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Our entirely student-written, produced, and performed show, Raise the Vibration, is performed on SDSU's campus. It shares the stories of women and any other people in marginalized communities. The theatre performance aims to create a platform for voices that have not yet been heard.


We also have a yearly open mic night called Read My Lips!


Raise The Vibration

Raise the Vibration is an entirely student-written, performed, and produced play. It aims to create a platform for marginalized communities' stories that have not yet been heard. It is V-Day SDSU's most significant event and fundraiser.


Read My Lips

Read My Lips is an open mic night for anyone and everyone who wants to perform. Performers can dance, sing, or do anything that expresses their voice. Spots to perform are open to the public.

"Raise the Vibration is the culmination of our year’s work to bring to light the stories that have not been told before or previously were not listened to. Read My Lips! Is a casual open mic night that gives our community members an opportunity to share their stories."

- Kaley-Shea Doherty, Class of 2022 -

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